Saturday, August 4, 2012

Connie's Kitchen: These Pork Chops are Sharp!

I am a little late posting this which makes me feel a little guilty but better late than never.

So here is another edition of Connie's Kitchen and I am going to share another one of her magazine recipes and a memory.

If you knew my Mom you knew she was a very special lady with her own way of saying and doing everything. She was just full of sayings and nick names for everyone and also known for mispronouncing words all over the places. Some memorable sayings were; "It's too hot for the pickles" and "I got the fever". My Mom renamed my husband "Nick Nack Paddy Wack", my brother in-law became "Justy Boy", at one point my name was "Sissy Bob" and my sister Lindsay was "Lallaberry", and one of the best was when she decided to call a good friend of mine with that last name Bang, "Bing Bang Bong". BUT the best, the very best was when she got stuck calling a few of my friends by their character names when she would come see my performances. My dear friend Jill played a character named "Pussy A Dangle" in this zombie rock musical we did and my mother would scream "PUSSY!!!" every time she saw her no matter where we were.
Oh then there were her ways of pronouncing words....
For some reason she added an "H" to the word adios so it became "HA-dios" but then dropped the "H" from words like human and humid so they were "U-man" and "U-mid". My all time favorite was that she always called bleachers, like at a football game, "Bleaches". So we would go watch Lindsay's softball games and sit on the "Bleaches".
She would get just stuck on these sayings and nick names and say them all the time, like a word or saying of the month. Mom decided once that some food she was eating was "sharp". I mean you can use that word to describe a stylish outfit, or a knife, but I don't know if I would call a crab cake sharp. My Mom really had a way with words. Everything for the next month was sharp. A nice smelling perfume, a trip to the grocery store could be sharp, and fact that there wasn't any traffic could be was anything and everything that was good. The recipe I am about to share with you was definitely described as sharp when she shared it with me and I sure hope you all think its SHARP!

Honestly all kidding aside this is the recipe for the best pork chops I have ever eaten! If you follow this recipe you will get the tastiest most tender pork chop ever and that is not easy to do with a pork chop.
I usually make these chops with some mashed sweet potatoes and maybe some fresh green beans on the side. Tonight we are doing the sweet potatoes but I am also doing some grilled shrimp and mushroom sauteed in red wine because these mushrooms are on their last leg so I have to make them tonight. hehe.
This is the recipe my mom gave me from her People mag by Chef Love at Fort Worth's Lonesome Dove Restaurant.

Seared Pork Chops
4 pork chops, either boneless or bone-in
1 gallon warm water
1/4 cup chili flakes (I use chili powder because I don't know where to get flakes)
1/2 cup salt
6 smashed garlic coves
1/4 olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

In a large bowl mix water, chili powder, salt, and garlic. Add pork chops and let sit for an hour in the fridge. I have actually let them sit over night before and they were even more amazing. So I am a fan of letting them sit several hours.
Remove chops of from mixture and pat dry.
In a heavy cast iron pan, heat oil. Season chops with salt and pepper. Place chops in pan and cook 3-4 mins per side. Remove from pan and let rest 2mins before serving.
I actually will just throw the chops on the grill and they are still outstanding. They are good in the pan or grilled and really good topped with a little......bacon.

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