I got to the register and watched my grocery bill go down to almost nothing with those wonderful gift certs and then headed to the car with my goodies and my sweet girl. I got to the car and was unloading the groceries when a nice older woman asked if she could help me and then take my cart. WHAT?! this is such a lovely day. She chatted with me and kept an eye on Lily while I packed up my car and it was a really nice moment. She waved goodbye and took my cart and I got Lily in her car seat and headed home.
Lily ate well at lunch and laughed while I made funny faces and sang to her and then went down for her afternoon nap. She slept long enough for me to clean my kitchen floor, empty trash, clean the guest room and bathroom, put away some Christmas gifts, and eat lunch myself.
She woke up happy and I found her playing in her crib with her bear and her blanket and she smiled at me when I came to get her.
My house is cleaner, groceries put away and I have a full fridge and freezer, I feel great from excising this morning, and Lily is playing in her bouncer so I can type up this post.
I am so very lucky to have this life. I am so blessed to have a beautiful and loving family (on both sides) that has a close bond and isn't too far away to spend time together often. I am thankful that I have experienced great love and great loss and learned so much from both. I am so happy for the time I got to spend with my Mother before she passed and for the fantastic childhood her and my father gave me. I am so very thankful that 2012 was a good year for me and my family for the most part. So many precious babies were born this year in my family and to my dear friends and this was a year filled with life and love instead of fear and loss.
I don't know what 2013 holds but I hope its full of more good days, happy babies, exercise, and just being happy for the little things like...your favorite underwear.
A man was found shot dead in my neighborhood last night just a few yards from my house. I don't know who this man was or why this happened to him. He was found in his car and the details still haven't been released. It is so scary to know that something so horrific could happen just a few feet from your doorstep.
I woke up this morning and held my daughter tight and was so very thankful to be inside my warm house, close to my healthy and happy family. Today was a good day because I had today at all. Anything could've happened today but I started it with a smile and a hug and the thought that I was very blessed to have the sun rising up in my backyard to shine on me and my family. I think of my mother whenever I see the sunrise, which is another story, but she shined on us today and reminded me of every wonderful thing I have to be thankful for this year.
and here are some pictures that make me happy....
This entire post made me happy. I love you guys!